: intracellular trafficking and polarity

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Bulk transport
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active vesicular transport]
Cell polarity
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morphological and biochemical asymmetry
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internalization of molecules  invaginaiton of PM around target particle then fission.
Endomembrane system
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group of membranes and organelles working together to modify, package and transport lipids and proteins (ER, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes.)
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direction of secretory vesicles to the cell membrane  either secreted to the extracellular environment or added to the PM. STEPS: budding – tethering – docking – priming (neurons) – fusion (response to calcium elevation)
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cellular eating for large solid particles (bacteria or cellular debris). Particle binds to receptor leads to actin cytoskeleton rearrangements which forms a phagosome which fuses with lysosome (phagolysosome)  digested
Phophoinositides (Pi)
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lipids that control the correct timing and location of trafficking events
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macropinocytosis: nutrients and fluids (cellular drinking) and micropinocytosis: small molecules and membrane receptors (highly specific)
Polarity protein complexes (PAR)
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master regulator of polarity establishment in many cell types
Coat proteins
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vesicle budding and cargo selection  physically reshape the membrane into a bud and attach the transport carrier to cytoskeleton (COPI)
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molecular switches: off when GDP bound, on when GTP bound. NO PHOSPHORYLATION  the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) exchanges the GDP by a GTP to turn on, and its turned off by a GAP (liberation of a Pi)
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consitutive  continuous and not regulated stream of vesicles with lipids and proteins for extracellular matric or PM. Regulated  for proteins that are stored and secreted on demand
SNARE proteins
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Vesicle targeting and fusion  V-snare (membranes of transport vesicles) and T-snare (target membrane)  form the SNARE complexe when bound
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type of endocytosis that transports internalized proteins to the opposite surface

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