slowka lol

 0    18 schede    wiktoriabozewicz
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powodem mojego wyboru jest to
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the reason for my choice is that
wybralem poniewaz
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I’ve chosen becouse
mysle ze tak
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I think would be
istnieje wiele powodow
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there are a number of reasons why
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nie wybiore poniewaz
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i won’t go for because
niesadze ze bedzie tak... jak
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i don't think would ba as... as
odrzucam poniewaz uwazam ze jest
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I rejecting because i’d find it
co wiecej
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nie tylko to ale
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not only that, but
co wiecej
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what is more
inni ludzie twierdza ze
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other people argue that
moim zdaniem
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as i see it
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
powiedzialbym to
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I’d say that
wierze w to
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I believe that
mozna twierdzic ze
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it could be argued that
niektorzy mogliby powiedziec ze
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some people might say that

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