spelling test 4 pazdziernika ze zdaniami i tlumaczeniami po angielsku

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fall out with- to quarrel with
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I fell out with Amelia two days ago
get on well with- to have good relationship with someone
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im happy because we're getting on well.
go out with- date
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Do you now that they are going out on Friday?
get on badly-to have bad relation ship with someone
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she gets on badly with her boyfriend
hang out with friend- to spend time with friends
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it is great that I can hang out with you
make up- to became friend after a quarrel
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I'm sorry for this situation, can we make up?
to meet up with- to meet some in order to do something
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do you want to meet up with me on Saturday
split up- to end the relationship
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i split up the relation ship with him.
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I feel really relaxed after the day in spa.
proud-pleased with yourself or someone else
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my mum was very proud when I got a good grade
jealous of- envious
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im jealous of people who eat all the time and they are still skinny
excited about- feeling very happy
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im exited about a trip to china
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don't be embarrassed about who you are
soup kitchen - a place when free food is serve for needy
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some people who don't have enough money eat in soup kitchen
volunteer- a person who offers to do sth without pay
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being a volunteer has a lot of benefits
take photos- to produce pictures using a camera
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I really enjoy taking photos of sunsets
anxious about- worried
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im anxious about this school year
ashamed of- embrrassed
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i was ashamed of myself for what I did
curious about- want to know sth more
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i was curious about this accident
delighted- very pleased
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i was very delighted with my new friend
dissapointed- unhappy because sth or someone was not as good as you expected
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her parents were disappointed with her behavior
glad about- happy
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I think that she should be glad about it
guilty- ashamed
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I feel guilty about this situation
nervous- worried
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im nervous about my result of the test from history
satisfied- happy, pleased
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im satisfied with tonight's meeting.
social anxiety- fear of not making good impression on others
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I think that she has social anxiety
tired of- bored
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im tired of doing this all the time
uncomfortable- feeling not easy
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I feel uncomfortable about this situation

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