06 2023

 0    30 schede    Julusia2013
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w górach
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in the mountains
nad jeziorem
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at the lake
na Mazurach
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in Masuria
u moich dziadków
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at my grandparents
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przyczepka kempingowa
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a tent
gdzie się zatrzymujesz
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where are you staying
Mieszkam w domku obok plaży
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I'm staying in the cabin next to the beach
jest słonecznie, ale wietrznie
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it's sunny but windy
co robisz?
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what are you doing
Chodzę po plaży i opalam się
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I'm walking on the beach and sunbathing
Ania kolekcjonuje muszelki
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Ania collects shells
jaka jest pogoda?
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what is the weather like?
jest słonecznie i bardzo gorąco, ale czasami pada deszcz
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it's sunny and very hot but sometimes rains
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uważaj na kamyki
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watch out for the pebbles
drobne kamienie
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ta plaża nie ma piasku, są na niej mewy
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this beach hasn't got any sand, it's got seagulls
spójrz na rozgwiazdy w basenie
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look at the starfish in the rockpool
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Lubię jeść rybę z frytkami nad morzem
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I like to eat fish and chips at the seaside
plaża ma piasek
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the beach has got sand
woda jest niebieska
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the water is blue
ma czarno-białe paski
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it's got black and white stripes
ma bardzo ostre zęby. to z Indii. to jest tygrys
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it's got very sharp teeth. it's from India. it's a tiger
ma duże ciało. to jest czarnobiałe. to z Chin. to jest panda
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it's got a big body. it's black and white. it's from China. it's a panda
ma niebiesko-żółty ogon. potrafi szybko pływać. to ryba tropikalna
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it's got a blue and yellow tail. it can swim fast. it's a tropical fish
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