1 chapter

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kocham cie
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I love you
spoznimy sie
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we will be late
potrzebujesz moj rozowy kabel?
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do you need my pink cable?
kolejne miasto bylo i teresujace
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the next city was also interesting
jakie mamy plany na jutro?
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what are our plans for tomorrow?
jestes glodny?
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are you hungry?
bedziesz moim sniadankiem?
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will you be my breakfast
czy moge zjesc nasze dzieci?
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can i eat our children?
czy masz drugi koucz od pokoju?
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do you have a second blanket from the room?
wezmiemy wspolna kapiel?
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shall we take a bath together?
pomoz Ci z bagazem?
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help you with your luggage?
kiedy widzimy sie nasteonym razem?
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when will we see you next time?
dlczego twoj zegarek nie jest polaczony z moim?
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why is your watch not connected to mine?
ja prowadze w wyscigu
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I'm leading the race
wygram mam wieksza jlosc punktow
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I win I have more points
tesknilem za toba
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I missed you
jestes glodny?
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are you hungry?
kochasz mnie?
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you love Me?
bardzo Cie kocham
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I love you so much

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