10th April

 0    16 schede    suyashaag92
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Domanda Risposta
once in a blue moon
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od święta
third time's the charm
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Trzeci raz jest urok
take 5
take a break
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weź 5
a stitch in time saves nine
if you do a right job at the right time you dont have to do it again
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ścieg w czasie oszczędza dziewięć
like clockwork
happening regularly
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jak w zegarku
the eleventh hour
the last possible moment
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kill time
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zabić czas
kill time
to do something to make time pass
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zabić czas
down the hill
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w dół wzgórza
down the stairs
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schodami w dół
the down escalator
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schody ruchome w dół
a down payment
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to down a drink
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wypić drinka
they scare me
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Przestraszyli mnie
im afraid of them
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Obawiam się ich
im not scared of them
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Nie boję się ich

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