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proszę, utrzymaj to w sekrecie
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Please, keep it a secret
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czy byłeś wczoraj szczęśliwy?
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were you happy yesterday?
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czy twój brat był wczoraj szczęsliwy?
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was your brother happy yesterday?
czy było pochmurnie wczoraj?
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was it cloudy yesterday?
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refrigerator, fridge
Why shouldn't you put the letter 'M' into the refrigerator?
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Because it turns ice into mice!
I have 12 legs, 12 arms and 8 heads. What am I?
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A liar!
ja byłem
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I was
ty byłeś
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you were
on był
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he was
ona była
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she was
ono było
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it was
my byliśmy
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we were
wy byliście
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you were
oni byli
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they were
ile jest gwiazd na nocnym niebie?
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How many stars are there in the night sky?
ile zwierząt potrafi latać?
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How many animals know how to fly?
ile jem lodów w tygodniu?
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How much ice cream do I eat in a week?
ile lat zajmuje żeby nauczyć się Greckiego?
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How many years does it take to learn Greek?

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