12/01/2020 ablo/45min

 0    16 schede    blochandrzej87
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Domanda Risposta
dużo miejsc
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a lot of places
będe mogła
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I will be able to
dom moich rodziców
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my parents' house
Jeśli będe musiała to pójde
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If I have to, I will go
Nie zrobie tego jeśli nie będe musiała
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I won't do it if I don't have to
rozleniwić się
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get lazy
zobaczyć go osobiście
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see him in person
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elektryczność ułatwia nam życie
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electricity makes our lives easier
zabierają nasz czas
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they take our time
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pracuje nad tym
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I'm working on it
podczas gdy on pracuje
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while he is working
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an armchair
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gave birth

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