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Henry Baskerville inherited a large <mansion> in the moorlands from his uncle.
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He slammed the door so hard that some of the <plaster> fell off the ceiling.
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After his wife died, he decided he could afford, and needed a <gentleman's gentleman> to do for him.
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The tenants filed a <grievance> against Tina for her constant noise pollution.
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The butler <ushered> us out of the house and into a taxi.
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I <lodged> with a nice elderly couple whilst I was studying at university.
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wynajmowałam pokój
"Get out of here" she <screeched> as she slammed the door.
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Take the <garbage> out - it's starting to smell.
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He left without <hesitation> when they told him the building was on fire.
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If you want to get that high window closed you'll need a <pole> to reach it.
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There's a <peculiar> smell coming from under the house.
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Everybody was afraid of entering this house, as it was thought to be <haunted>.
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Juile and her boyfriend were <making love> when her mother walked in.
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kochali się
John is so <henpecked> by his new girlfriend that he hardly ever goes out to see his old friends.
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pod pantoflem
Some men tend to regard <foreplay> as an unimportant part of their sexlife.
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grę wstępną
The relationship <constrained> me that's why I broke up with him.
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<Truth to tell> my love, I've been unhappy in my marriage for years.
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prawdę mówiąc
The lovers thought their love would <last> forever.
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The punishment for <adultery> by Puritans was prison.
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She <hid> the fact that she was married <from> her new boyfriend.
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ukryła ... przed
Have you two just met, or were you <acquainted> before?
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znaliście się
He shows his wife more <affection> than his dog.
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Their relationship was <sensual> rather than spiritual.
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They spent the whole of their honeymoon <wandering> on the empty beaches of Cornwall.
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She was a <ray> of sunshine in his dark world.
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<Given> the circumstances, I think it's even better that they split up when they did.
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His <amorous> remarks made in public annoyed her.
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Healthy relationships are based on a <give-and-take> principle.
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dawania i brania
She <headed for> the door once he'd told her it was all over.
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skierowała się ku
Charlie is a nice guy but <I'm doubtful> about his marrying Jane.
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mam wątpliwości
Dominant perceptions of <masculinity> haven't changed much throughout history.
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Most girls consider Paul to be an <eligible bachelor> and try to flirt with him.
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dobrą partię (atrakcyjnego kawalera)
His showing off was just another <abortive> attempt to attract Jane's attention.
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poroniony, nieudany
She married a <respectable> young man from a good family.
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<By and by> they grew to like each other more and more.
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z czasem
Ben was <shattered> when Becky broke up with him.
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He <expressed> his gratitude to her.
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After the messy break-up with my boyfriend, I need time to <heal>.
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She's so <possessive> that she's started following him around.
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We went for a <stroll> along the beach at 6 a.m. It was so romantic.
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