16 dec

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Domanda Risposta
very poor/ destitute
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bardzo biedny / pozbawiony środków do życia
very rich/ wealthy
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bardzo bogaci / bogaci
very glad/ overjoyed
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bardzo zadowolony / radosny
very great/ terrific
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bardzo dobrze / terr
very afraid/ fearful
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bardzo przestraszony / lękliwy
very big/ massive
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bardzo duży / m
tell me something about winters
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powiedz mi coś o zimach
what kind of reaction do people have for winters
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Jaką reakcję mają ludzie
Pitch In
i dont know i dont have enough money
it mean to contribute(give) to something or someone to join in
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przyczynić się lub dać
Maybe we can all pitch in and buy her something great
what are you going to buy for her on her b’day?
get over something
it means that you’ve gotten over him or her
imagine having a really difficult time like breaking up with your gf/bf
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rozwiązywać problem/przychodzić do siebie po czymś/pogodzić się z czymś
it means you no longer worry about it and it no longer effects you
its hard but eventually time passes and you no longer think about your ex,
get over something
its also possible you get over an illness
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rozwiązywać problem/przychodzić do siebie po czymś/pogodzić się z czymś
which would mean you have fully recovered
how’s paula has she GOTTEN OVER HER dog yet?
i think so she is already talking about getting a new one
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jak się ma paula, że ona GOTTEN OVER HER dog?
To go from rags to riches
At one time, he was living in a van, but he continued to work hard
To go from being poor to having a lot of money.
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Przejść od szmat do bogactwa
and eventually became one of the highest-paid comedians in the world.
Actor Jim Carrey went from rags to riches
To be loaded
Łukasz Prus purchased 5 different expensive cars in a month
To have a lot of money.
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Do załadowania
he is super loaded
Billy paid his Harvard Law School tuition with cash. His family is loaded

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