16. Lesson: Extra

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the root of sth
Money is the root of all evil
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źródło czegoś
as holy as angel
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święty jak anioł
Living by the motto
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Żyjąc zgodnie z mottem
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
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oko za oko i ząb za ząb
to conclude
Researchers concluded that people who apply a "tit-for-tat" attitude to life are more likely to be unemployed,
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By contrast,...
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Dla kontrastu...
be in/get into the habit of doing sth
those in the habit of repaying good turns from others were likely to earn higher salaries
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nabrać/nabrać nawyku robienia czegoś
preoccupied with sth
those who were more preoccupied with responding to good deeds.
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zajęty czymś, zaabsorbowany
ci, którzy byli bardziej zajęci odpowiadaniem na dobre uczynki.
those who were more preoccupied with responding to good deeds.
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czyn, uczynek
They were more likely to voice dissatisfaction with life.
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put in
people tend on average to put in more overtime.
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wykonać, przepracować
to deliberately avoid reacting in an angry or violent way
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feel angry with sb
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czuć złość na kogoś
put on
put on a lot of clothes
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unknown among the young
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nieznany wśród młodzieży
affordable prices
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przystępne ceny
solar panel
We installed solar panels on the roof.
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panel słoneczny
Zainstalowaliśmy panele słoneczne na dachu.
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Most kids get teased a bit at school
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drażnić (się), dokuczać, żartować (z)
hurl abuse/insults, etc at sb
When I first met her she had been hurling abuse at her daughters-in-law
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obrzucać kogoś obelgami
fine sb
The company was fined £60,000 for air pollution.
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karać grzywną
refusal (to do sth)
his refusal to admit his mistake
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odmowa (zrobienia czegoś)
the depths of despair
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dno, szczyt (najgorszy okres czegoś)
głębia rozpaczy
the depths of despair
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głębia rozpaczy
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triumfalny, zwycięski

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