2 + 16.08.23

 0    17 schede    blochandrzej87
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dużo spaliśmy
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we slept a lot
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feel - felt - felt
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byłam zainteresowana planetą
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I was interested in the planet
cisza i spokój
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peace and quiet
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a politician
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find - found - found
co zrobić aby tam wejść
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what to do to get in there
świat się zawalił
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the world came crashin down
jak możemy ratować planete
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how can we save the planet
co zrobić aby ją uszczęśliwić
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what to do to make her happy
jak to zrobić
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how to do it
jak kupić samochód
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how to buy a car
czuli się dobrze
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they felt fine
fajnie by było gdyby korki były mniejsze
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I wish the traffic was smaller
szkoda że jest gorąco
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I wish it was colder
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