2.1 New directions - 22.10

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Domanda English Risposta English
to get smth
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to land something
She landed a husband.
a person who other people want to follow
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role model
you learn from your mistakes
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You live and learn.
keep changing (your mind)
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chop and change
You can't chop and change all the time! Make up your mind!
do smth else instead
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for a change
To change your clothes.
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get changed
coins, some amout of money
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spare change
I want to have some coffee. Have you got any spare change?
it will be different
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to make a change
Drink more water, that will make a change.
aditional room you can rent to students
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spare room
be rude, dangerous
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aggressive with, threatening to/towards sb
behave unfriendly on purpose
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deliberately unfriendly, hostile towards
look down on sb, think sb is worse than you
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feel scornful about, despise sb
admire, respect, treat sb as a role model
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look up to sb
upset by sth/sb
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distressed by
uninterested in
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indifferent to sth
fed up with sth, have enough of sth/sb
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disaffected by

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