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What issues are the speakers discussing and what conclusion do they reach?
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Issue: whether we can trust the news we read these days. Conclusion: that most journalists are honest but a few of them give all journalists a bad name.
Journalists have an axe to grind.
to have a selfish reason or strong opinion that influences your actions
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Most journalists are truly impartial.
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not mentioned
Some journalists are there to sell newspapers.
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A journalist's job is to get proof and ask for evidence.
evidence: facts or signs that show that something is true or that something exists
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Journalists want the truth.
the truth the true facts about something
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Good journalists make the case for both sides.
make the case for both sides
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There are many libel trials because people don't like what is written about them.
a legal process in which a court of law decides whether or not someone is guilty of a crime
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You use libel about the crime of writing something untrue about someone, for example in a newspaper. You use slander about the crime of saying something untrue about someone in public.
Some journalists "give others a bad name"
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If you want my honest (?)
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If you want my honest opinion
Quite (?)
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Quite frankly
The reality is .../In reality
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The reality is .../In reality
According (?) (the statistics/the facts/her),...
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According to (the statistics/the facts/her),...
From what I can (?)
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From what I can gather
As far as I'm (?)
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As far as I'm concerned
If you (?) me
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If you ask me
to my knowledge; look at it this way
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to my knowledge; look at it this way
If you want my
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If you want my honest opinion, there isn't much evidence to support this theory.
The reality
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The reality is, we can't keep sending them money.
Look at it
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Look at it this way: we must do something now or things will get worse.
As far as
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As far as I'm concerned, this company is living on borrowed time.
If you ask
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If you ask me, you should put aside more time for your family.
According to
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According to the boss, we're making a profit of €100,000 every month.
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Quite frankly, this is the best film of the decade.
From what I can
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From what I can gather, he's very well established in his field.
To my
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To my knowledge, Yum Yums is the best brand for baby food.
(In/Of/By) reality, all the recentpolitical and business scandals have eroded people's truth. They in these professions.
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In reality, all the recent political and business scandals have eroded people's truth. They in these professions.
From what I can (learn/gather/get, nurses are extremely trustworthy. They were voted the most trusted professionals in the USA from 2004-2008.
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From what I can gather, nurses are extremely trustworthy. They were voted the most trusted professionals in the USA from 2004-2008.
As far as I'm (opinionated/concern/concerned), postal workers are the most trustworthy profession.
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As far as I'm concerned, postal workers are the most trustworthy profession.
To my (knowledge/view/opinion), there are no professionals that are "squeaky clean"; all of them have "bad apples".
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To my knowledge, there are no professionals that are "squeaky clean"; all of them have "bad apples".
If you (tell/inquire/ask) me, librarians are the most trustworthy people; they have no reason to lie.
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If you ask me, librarians are the most trustworthy people; they have no reason to lie.
If you want my (truest/honest/perfect) opinion, I'd say trust nobody, ever.
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If you want my honest opinion, I'd say trust nobody, ever.
The phrases you hear to express doubt
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I don't know about that; That's debatable; I find that highly unlikely.
Which expression shows the most doubt?
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I don't know about that.
If you want my honest opinion, she should apologize.
If you want my (?), she should apologize.
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Quite frankly, I agree.
(?), I agree.
According to the statistics, we're the industry's most successful company.
(?) the statistics, we're the industry's most successful company.
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As far as I'm concerned, statistics are worthless.
As far as (?) statistics are worthless.
To my knowledge, the painting hasn't been sold yet.
To (?), the painting hasn't been sold yet.
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If you ask me, the price is too high.
(?) ask me, the price is too high.
From what I can gather, there's a lot of corruption in sport.
From what I (?), there's a lot of corruption in sport.
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The reality is, there's corruption everywhere, not only in sport.
The (?), there's corruption everywhere, not only in sport.

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