2019-12-11 Picnic_ Questions and Answers

 0    15 schede    Mother knows best
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Domanda English Risposta English
Where did Alfie, Lulu, Molly and Max go with Miss Carey?
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The children went to the beach.
Did Alfie like his sandwich?
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No, he didn't. He didn't like his sandwich because there was some sand in it.
Was there any water to drink?
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No, there wasn't.
Was there any chicken?
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Yes, there was.
Were there any oranges?
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Yes, there were.
Were there any ice creams?
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No, there weren't.
Were there any cakes?
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Yes, there were.
Were there any sandwiches?
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Yes, there were.
Were there any bananas?
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Yes, there were.
Were there any grapes?
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Yes, there were.
Was there any water?
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No, there wasn't.
Was there any juice?
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Yes, there was.
Was there any chocolate?
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No, there wasn't.
Were there any apples?
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No, there weren't.
Were there any sweets?
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No, there weren't.

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