(2020-11-12) Negotiations

 0    11 schede    Lopezz
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Domanda Risposta
starszy pan
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old man / eldery / oldster / geezer
przedpłata; zapłata z góry; zaliczka
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credit down payment; prepayment; payment in advance; advance
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aim; a target; goal; purpose
ustępstwo, kompromis
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concession, compromise
odrzucić sugestię
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reject the suggestion
targowanie się
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to jest możliwe (powyżej 50%)
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it's may by...
to jest możliwe (50/50 %)
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it's might be...
to jest mołżiwe (poniżej 50%)
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it could be...
do listopada
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by November
w listopadzie
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in November

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