2020 September

 0    19 schede    grzegorzkadzielawski8
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the background
pierwszy plan
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the foreground
znana persona
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a prominent figure
Płynnie mówi w 6 językach
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She speaks 6 languages fluently
przejść na emeryturę
Ma o wiele młodszą żonę, która przeszła na emeryturę w tym roku.
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He has a much younger wife who retired this year.
młody duchem
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young at heart
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the Universityt of Science and Technology
Jego ojciec ma 93 lata.
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His father is 93 (years old).
ciągle coś robić
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keep doing something
to jak wyrok
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it's like a sentence
w grobie
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in the grave
po drugiej stronie
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on the other side
zanim (pójdę)
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before (I go)
podzielić coś na...
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divide sth into...
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a hawk
Masz rację
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You're right
Masz prawo do...
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You have the right to...
przy okazji
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by the way
Jak widzisz...
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As you can see...

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