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Domanda American English Risposta American English
it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain
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suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
it seemed impossible that anyone could ________ such pain
He didn't even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.
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to make a sudden movement because of pain or fear
He didn't even ______ when the nurse cleaned the wound.
Follow my lead
He followed her lead and voted in favor of the proposal.
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to do the same thing that someone else has done
He _________ and voted in favor of the proposal.
Get fooled
Do not get fooled by cheap fakes!
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to trick someone
Do not _______ by cheap fakes!
Got rattled
I got rattled when he didn't reply so long
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anger or annoy
I _________ when he didn't reply so long
Grateful for your hospitality
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appreciated for invitation and well treated
Brady and Elise exchanged a grim look.
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Brady and Elise exchanged a _____ look.
Have I satisfied delivery conditions?
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provide something that is needed or wanted
Have I _______ delivery conditions?
Allergies are usually more persistent than the common cold.
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Constantly repeated, not let go easily
Allergies are usually more _______ than the common cold.
i could see the point anymore
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no sense in what someone said
I know you mean well
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You understood someone intention
His campaign imploded during the summer amid charges of mismanagement and overspending.
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to fail suddenly and completely
His campaign ________ during the summer amid charges of mismanagement and overspending.
don’t take it as insubordination but I would do it different way
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refusing to obey orders from people in authority
don’t take it as _______ but I would do it different way
Little rougher than expected
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little worse than expected
Use it or lose it
If you want to stay fit, you need to keep exercising regularly—use it or lose it.
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use to describe you must decide between two options
If you want to stay fit, you need to keep exercising regularly
Wagner group is consists of mercenaries
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One who serves or works merely for monetary gain
Wagner group is consists of _______
Mumbled an insincere apology.
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speak indistinctly
_____ an insincere apology.
Off the hook
That's five three pointers in a row! Smith is off the hook!
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Performing extraordinarily well or Relieved of a responsibility
That's five three pointers in a row! Smith is _______!
I'll gag him to keep him in a silence
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restrain free speech.
I'll ____ him to keep him in a silence
Plan in writing
send me plan in writing before start
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on paper
send me plan______ before start
Play way out
The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two.
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When a situation plays out, it happens and develops
The debate will _______ in the media over the next week or two.
trolley pops up fully formed in a couple of seconds
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trolley ______ fully formed in a couple of seconds
Can you recall what happened last night?
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to bring the memory of a past event into your mind
Can you ______ what happened last night?
Let me reframe what I understood
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To redescribe, from a different perspective; to relabel.
Let me ______ what I understood
I resent the fact that he acted like a fool
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be annoyed about
I ______ the fact that he acted like a fool
Run out of room
It's got to the point where I've pretty much run out of room.
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have no enough storage
It's got to the point where I've pretty much_________
be easy to spot, I have red blouse
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to see or notice someone or something
be easy to _____, I have red blouse
The cats were neglected and starving.
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dying because of not having enough food
The cats were neglected and _______.
Stash his money
He stashed his money in the secret box.
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To hide or store away for later use
He _______ his money in the secret box.
Take by surprise
The news took me by surprise.
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to catch unawares
The news _____ me _____ surprise.
Take over
Kamila are taking over as manager
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Kamila are ________ as manager
passing through
The dough is passed through the pasta machine several times.
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To move something through something else or infiltrate
The dough is _______ the pasta machine several times.
catch up
You two wanna catch
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To be brought up to date with news.
You two wanna ______
Going after
I go after a postman maybe I would catch him
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I _________r a postman maybe I would catch him"
l mourned my last job enjoyed it so well
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express extremely sadness about
l ______ my last job enjoyed it so well
I felt terrified so I went home
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I felt _____ so I went home
Ups and downs
I have my ups and downs
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advantages and disadvantages
I have my ______
I can remember this vividly
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I can remember this _____

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