21. Takeovers

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to become more varied or different
retail outlet
punkt sprzedaży detalicznej
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a store, shops, kiosks, market etc. that sells goods to the public
controlling interest
pakiet kontrolny
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if someone has a controlling interest in a company, they own enough shares in it to control its management
jeśli ktoś ma pakiet kontrolny w firmie, posiada w niej wystarczającą liczbę udziałów, aby kontrolować zarządzanie nią
listed companies
firma notowana na giełdzie
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public companies whose stocks are traded on a stock exchange
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amount of money paid for services
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a group of companies, operating in different field, which have joined together
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the combined power, profits, etc. that can be achieved by two organizations or groups of people working together rather than separately
połączona władza, zyski itp., które można osiągnąć dzięki dwóm organizacjom lub grupom ludzi pracujących razem, a nie osobno
market capitalization
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the total value of a company's shares on a stock market
pension fund
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funds that invest money that will be paid to people after they retire from work
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a company that is controlled by a larger parent company
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the act of taking control of a company by buying enough of its shares to do this

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