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Domanda American English Risposta American English
to tap into
Manager: "We need to 'Tap Into' the growing digital market. Let's explore online advertising strategies for our products."
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To access or make use of a resource, opportunity, or market.
Manager: "We need to '____________________' the growing digital market. Let's explore online advertising strategies for our products."
Project Lead: "It's time to 'Wean' ourselves off outdated software. Let's plan the migration to a more efficient system."
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To gradually detach or transition from a dependency, often in the context of reducing reliance on something.
Project Lead: "It's time to '____________________' ourselves off outdated software. Let's plan the migration to a more efficient system."
refrain from
Team Lead: "To maintain professionalism, 'Refrain From' discussing sensitive client information outside the workplace."
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To abstain or avoid doing something.
Team Lead: "To maintain professionalism, '____________________' discussing sensitive client information outside the workplace."
CEO: "It's 'Imperative' that we meet the project deadline to secure the client's trust and satisfaction."
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Of vital importance; crucial; essential.
CEO: "It's '____________________' that we meet the project deadline to secure the client's trust and satisfaction."
Analyst: "Although there are challenges, we shouldn't 'Downplay' the potential benefits of implementing the new software."
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To minimize the significance or importance of something.
Analyst: "Although there are challenges, we shouldn't '____________________' the potential benefits of implementing the new software."
Marketing Manager: "While promoting the product, ensure the information is accurate and not 'Embellished' to avoid misleading customers."
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To make something more attractive or interesting by adding details, often exaggerated or untrue.
Marketing Manager: "While promoting the product, ensure the information is accurate and not '____________________' to avoid misleading customers."
HR Manager: "Consider this an 'Admonition' to adhere to the company's code of conduct. Let's maintain a positive and respectful workplace environment."
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A warning or piece of advice given with authority.
HR Manager: "Consider this an '____________________' to adhere to the company's code of conduct. Let's maintain a positive and respectful workplace environment."
incurred additional costs
Finance Director: "We've 'Incurred' additional costs due to unexpected delays. Let's review the budget and make necessary adjustments."
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To become subject to or be affected by something undesirable, such as costs or expenses.
Finance Director: "We've '____________________' additional costs due to unexpected delays. Let's review the budget and make necessary adjustments."
contingency amount
Project Manager: "Allocate a 'Contingency Amount' in the budget to cover any unexpected costs that may arise during the project."
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A reserved amount set aside for unforeseen expenses or emergencies.
Project Manager: "Allocate a '____________________' in the budget to cover any unexpected costs that may arise during the project."
unforeseen expenses
Financial Analyst: "We need to consider 'Unforeseen Expenses' in our budget planning to ensure financial stability throughout the project."
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Unexpected costs or expenditures that were not anticipated or planned.
Financial Analyst: "We need to consider '____________________' in our budget planning to ensure financial stability throughout the project."
resilience to stress
Team Lead: "The team has shown great 'Resilience' in overcoming challenges. Let's continue working together to achieve our goals."
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The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; the capacity to adapt and bounce back.
Team Lead: "The team has shown great '____________________' in overcoming challenges. Let's continue working together to achieve our goals."
a viable prototype
Product Manager: "Before full production, we need to create 'A Viable Prototype' to ensure the product meets quality standards and user requirements."
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A practical and workable model or version of a product or project that can be tested and improved upon.
Product Manager: "Before full production, we need to create '____________________' to ensure the product meets quality standards and user requirements."
CEO: "It's 'Prudent' to conduct a thorough market analysis before launching the new product. We need to understand our competitors and target audience."
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Acting with careful consideration of potential risks and making wise, sensible decisions.
CEO: "It's '____________________' to conduct a thorough market analysis before launching the new product. We need to understand our competitors and target audience."
nonsensical information
Team Member: "Let's avoid including 'Nonsensical' information in our report. It should be clear, concise, and relevant to the topic."
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Lacking meaning or logic; absurd; making no sense.
Team Member: "Let's avoid including '____________________' information in our report. It should be clear, concise, and relevant to the topic."
accrue over
Financial Analyst: "The benefits of the investment will 'Accrue Over' the next few years. It's a long-term strategy for steady returns."
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To accumulate or gather over time.
Financial Analyst: "The benefits of the investment will '____________________' the next few years. It's a long-term strategy for steady returns."
to what extent
Project Manager: "Assess the project's success and determine 'To What Extent' we achieved our objectives. This will guide future planning."
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To what degree or level; to what degree of completeness or effectiveness.
Project Manager: "Assess the project's success and determine '____________________' we achieved our objectives. This will guide future planning."
Analyst: "The increase in customer complaints is directly 'Attributable' to the recent changes in our customer service process."
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Capable of being attributed or assigned to a particular cause or source.
Analyst: "The increase in customer complaints is directly '____________________' to the recent changes in our customer service process."
likelihood of delivering
Project Lead: "Assess the 'Likelihood of Delivering' the project on time. We need a realistic evaluation to manage expectations."
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The probability or chance of successfully achieving a goal or delivering on a commitment.
Project Lead: "Assess the '____________________' the project on time. We need a realistic evaluation to manage expectations."
tempted to
Manager: "Although 'Tempted To' expedite the process, we should prioritize quality and accuracy in our deliverables."
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Having a strong inclination or desire to do something, often against better judgment.
Manager: "Although '____________________' expedite the process, we should prioritize quality and accuracy in our deliverables."
framing a rationale
Team Lead: "Before presenting the proposal, focus on 'Framing a Rationale' that highlights the benefits and justifies the project's importance."
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Developing a logical and reasoned explanation for a decision or course of action.
Team Lead: "Before presenting the proposal, focus on '____________________' that highlights the benefits and justifies the project's importance."
Colleague: "Let's 'Consciously' incorporate eco-friendly practices in our operations to contribute to sustainability."
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With deliberate awareness or intention; done intentionally.
Colleague: "Let's '____________________' incorporate eco-friendly practices in our operations to contribute to sustainability."
make up the lens
Analyst: "We must 'Make Up the Lens' through which we view market trends. Different perspectives will lead to more comprehensive analyses."
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To construct or form a perspective or viewpoint, often influenced by personal experiences or biases.
Analyst: "We must '____________________' through which we view market trends. Different perspectives will lead to more comprehensive analyses."
sustained tension
HR Manager: "The 'Sustained Tension' within the team is affecting productivity. Let's address conflicts and improve communication for a healthier work environment."
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Continuous pressure or stress over a prolonged period.
HR Manager: "The '____________________' within the team is affecting productivity. Let's address conflicts and improve communication for a healthier work environment."
As opposed to
Project Manager: "Consider the agile approach 'As Opposed To' the traditional waterfall model for faster project delivery."
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In contrast with; as an alternative to.
Project Manager: "Consider the agile approach '____________________' the traditional waterfall model for faster project delivery."
compelling model
Marketing Director: "We need a 'Compelling Model' for our marketing campaign to engage our target audience effectively."
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A convincing and persuasive example or representation of a concept or strategy.
Marketing Director: "We need a '____________________' for our marketing campaign to engage our target audience effectively."
clarify your premise
Team Lead: "Before presenting the proposal, clarify the underlying 'Premise' to ensure everyone understands the foundation of our recommendations."
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A proposition or assumption serving as the basis for an argument or action.
Team Lead: "Before presenting the proposal, clarify the underlying '____________________' to ensure everyone understands the foundation of our recommendations."
Analyst: "We need to trace the issue 'Backward' to identify its root cause. This will help us implement a more effective solution."
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In a reverse or opposite direction; retrogressive.
Analyst: "We need to trace the issue '____________________' to identify its root cause. This will help us implement a more effective solution."
CEO: "Since the 'Inception' of the company, we've prioritized innovation. Let's continue fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement."
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The beginning or start of something; the point at which something comes into existence.
CEO: "Since the '____________________' of the company, we've prioritized innovation. Let's continue fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement."
Without a thorough
Project Manager: "Proceeding 'Without a Thorough' risk assessment could lead to unforeseen challenges. Let's prioritize a detailed analysis before making decisions."
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Lacking a comprehensive or detailed examination or understanding.
Project Manager: "Proceeding '____________________' risk assessment could lead to unforeseen challenges. Let's prioritize a detailed analysis before making decisions."
IT Manager: "The new software serves as a 'Conduit' for efficient communication between different departments. Let's ensure seamless integration."
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A channel or means through which something is conveyed, transmitted, or conducted.
IT Manager: "The new software serves as a '____________________' for efficient communication between different departments. Let's ensure seamless integration."

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