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que tipo de negocios crees que había?
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What kind of business do you think there was?
Haz las gráficas
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Make the graphs
cuánto facturan?
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how much do they bill?
la aportación del capital
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the capital contribution
los socios
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the partners
participan mediante acciones
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participate through shares
sociedad laboral
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workforce owned company
sociedad colectiva
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spółka jawna
sociedad cooperativa
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sociedad anonima
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joint stock company
no mercantil
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non commercial
en la gestión
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in management
las tareas
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que se proponen a continuación
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which are proposed below
propiedad conjunta
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joint ownership
hacer frente a las necesidades
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cope with the needs
quien lleva su gestión?
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Who leads its management?
economía planificada
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planned economy
tiene que haber
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there must be
por lo menos
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at least
aunque se puede recurrir a otros socios colaboradores
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although other collaborating partners can be used
cuando surge?
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when does it arise?
siguieron tomando importancia
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continued to be important
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to promote
Tráeme algunas manzanas del jardín.
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to bring
Bring me some apples from the garden.
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No se suponía que llovería hoy.
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to rain
It wasn't supposed to rain today.
Alguien llama a la puerta
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Somebody knocks the door
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no te pido
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i don't ask you
no te pido perdón
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I do not apologize
Nos conocemos desde hace dos años
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We have known each other for two years
Con frecuencia le llamo cuando vuelvo de la escuela
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I often call him when I get back from school
hoy me pongo falda
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I wear a skirt today
no se cantar
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I do not know how to sing
Me puedes prestar tu moto?
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Can you lend me your motorcycle?
Mi suegra es muy entrometida.
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My mother-in-law is very nosy.
muchas revistas
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many magazines
Mis hijos se acuestan muy tarde
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My children go to bed very late
quien sois?
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who are you? (Kim wy jesteście?)

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