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ostatnia prosta, ostatni etap
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home stretch
It's taken three months, but we're on the home stretch now. We're now heading into the homestretch of this divisive presidential campaign.
spełniający wymagania, spełniający niezbędne warunki, uprawniony
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eligible for Are you eligible for early retirement/maternity leave? You might be eligible for a grant. eligible to Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.
przepełniony, wypełniony (pełen czegoś)
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brimful of sth
Nobody could call this year's Cannes film festival brimful of wonderful surprises. He forced himself to look brimful of confidence, and it seemed to satisfy people.
stwarzający podziały, powodujący podziały
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The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US. He is the most divisive political leader in American history.
garść, garstka, niewielka grupa
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He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket. She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.
pojawiać się, zjawiać się synonim: show up
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turn up
Do you think many people will turn up? She turned up at my house late one night. She didn't turn up to her own wedding
rekordowo wysoki poziom lub wartość czegoś
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record high
at a record high/at record highs The Dow Jones index closed at a record high on Monday. Bankruptcies are at record highs. Arrivals at the US border have hit record highs while Mr Biden has been in office
znacząco, znacznie
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My piano playing has improved significantly since I started with a new teacher. Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year.
okropny, fatalny, ponury, posępny
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What dismal weather! The acting was dismal, wasn't it? The trip was a dismal failure.
rozbrzmiewać, odbijać echem
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resonated around the world, with foreign diplomats expressing shock and concern. Thus stated, the message sounds almost banal, but on stage it was striking and resonated with great power.

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