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Team Lead: "Let's identify a 'Remedy' for the production delays to ensure we meet our project deadlines."
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A solution or treatment for a problem or difficulty.
Team Lead: "Let's identify a '____________________' for the production delays to ensure we meet our project deadlines."
Analyst: "Implementing a new software system will 'Counteract' the inefficiencies we've been experiencing."
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To act against or neutralize the effect of something.
Analyst: "Implementing a new software system will '____________________' the inefficiencies we've been experiencing."
Manager: "Our team's productivity will 'Ascend' if we incorporate the latest project management tools."
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To move upward or rise to a higher position.
Manager: "Our team's productivity will '____________________' if we incorporate the latest project management tools."
Quality Assurance: "Every product release is 'Scrutinized' to ensure it meets our quality standards."
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To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
Quality Assurance: "Every product release is '____________________' to ensure it meets our quality standards."
making waves
PR Manager: "Our recent marketing campaign is 'Making Waves' in the industry, generating positive feedback and increased brand recognition."
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Attracting attention or causing a significant impact.
PR Manager: "Our recent marketing campaign is '____________________' in the industry, generating positive feedback and increased brand recognition."
Team Member: "We can't 'Evade' addressing customer complaints. Let's develop a proactive approach to resolving issues."
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To avoid or escape, especially through cleverness or trickery.
Team Member: "We can't '____________________' addressing customer complaints. Let's develop a proactive approach to resolving issues."
wrap up
Project Manager: "Let's 'Wrap Up' the current phase of the project and move on to the next milestone."
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To complete or finish; to conclude.
Project Manager: "Let's '____________________' the current phase of the project and move on to the next milestone."
want to commend
Supervisor: "I 'Want to Commend' the team for their dedication and hard work in meeting the tight deadlines."
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To express praise or recognition for someone's achievements or efforts.
Supervisor: "I '____________________' the team for their dedication and hard work in meeting the tight deadlines."
Operations Manager: "The road construction has 'Obstructed' our daily commute. Let's explore alternative routes for the team."
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Blocked or hindered; preventing movement or progress.
Operations Manager: "The road construction has '____________________' our daily commute. Let's explore alternative routes for the team."
widespread and affect many users
Analyst: "The software issue is 'Widespread' and affecting users across different regions. We need a comprehensive fix."
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Extensive or prevalent over a large area or among a large group.
Analyst: "The software issue is '____________________' and affecting users across different regions. We need a comprehensive fix."
hinder the project timeline
Project Lead: "Unexpected challenges can 'Hinder' our project timeline. Let's identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies."
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To cause delay or prevent progress.
Project Lead: "Unexpected challenges can '____________________' our project timeline. Let's identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies."
starved of
Finance Director: "Some departments are 'Starved Of' budget resources. Let's review and allocate funds appropriately for equitable distribution."
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Deprived or lacking in something essential.
Finance Director: "Some departments are '____________________' budget resources. Let's review and allocate funds appropriately for equitable distribution."
verge of changing
CEO: "As a company, we're on the 'Verge of Changing' our business model to adapt to evolving market trends."
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On the brink or threshold of undergoing a significant transformation.
CEO: "As a company, we're on the '____________________' our business model to adapt to evolving market trends."
Procurement Manager: "Our goal is to 'Obtain' high-quality materials at the best possible prices. Let's explore new suppliers for better deals."
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To acquire or get possession of something.
Procurement Manager: "Our goal is to '____________________' high-quality materials at the best possible prices. Let's explore new suppliers for better deals."
Data Analyst: "Let's gather customer feedback to gain valuable 'Insights' into their preferences and expectations."
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Valuable or deep understandings derived from analysis or investigation.
Data Analyst: "Let's gather customer feedback to gain valuable '____________________' into their preferences and expectations."
review progress of ongoing undertakings
Project Manager: "Review the progress of ongoing 'Undertakings' to ensure deadlines are met and objectives are achieved."
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Projects, tasks, or activities that one has committed to or taken on.
Project Manager: "Review the progress of ongoing '____________________' to ensure deadlines are met and objectives are achieved."
Manager: "The positive impact of our new marketing strategy is 'Evident' in the increased customer engagement and sales."
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Clearly visible or obvious; easily perceived.
Manager: "The positive impact of our new marketing strategy is '____________________' in the increased customer engagement and sales."
CEO: "I fully 'Endorse' the proposal for cost-saving measures presented by the finance team. Let's implement these changes."
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To express approval, support, or recommendation for something or someone.
CEO: "I fully '____________________' the proposal for cost-saving measures presented by the finance team. Let's implement these changes."
originate from
Researcher: "The idea for the new product 'Originates' from consumer feedback and market trends. Let's refine it for better market acceptance."
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To have its source or origin in a particular place or concept.
Researcher: "The idea for the new product '____________________' from consumer feedback and market trends. Let's refine it for better market acceptance."
vested interest
Board Member: "Disclose any 'Vested Interest' you may have in the supplier selection process to ensure transparency and fair decision-making."
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A personal or financial interest in a particular outcome or situation.
Board Member: "Disclose any '____________________' you may have in the supplier selection process to ensure transparency and fair decision-making."

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