29 Dinner's on me: entertaining and eating out

 0    30 schede    alicjachmiel
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Domanda English Risposta English
split the bill
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each person will pay himself/herself
be on me
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I am paying for you
join us
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come with us
be our guest
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we will pay
get this
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pay the bill this time
wined and dined
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invited out to restaurant
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rather slow
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too confident
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unwilling to smile
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quick and rude
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makes you feel you do not want to go there again
go out of their way
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do everything possible
have a sweet tooth
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love sweet things
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be careful how many calories I eat
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salty in flavour / with herbs
fussy eater
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person who has very particular demands while eating
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never drink alcohol
dietary requirements
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special needs / things someone cannot eat
overdo it
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eat or drink too much
take pot luck
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eat something casual
I bring a bottle
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a bottle of wine
dinner party
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dinner with guests
informal get-together
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group of people meeting for a meal
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a second serving of a dish (dokładka)
say when
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say when you have enough
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that's enough
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nuts, crisps
grab a bite to eat
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have a quick meal

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