29 july

 0    14 schede    suyashaag92
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hit the brakes
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hit hamulców
run a red light
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Uruchom czerwone światło
cut someone off
you drive someone and dont give them room to drive
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wyciąć komuś się
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tylna klapa
pullover somene stops you
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pulower somene zatrzymuje cię
yesterday i was driving i ran a red light and then i hit the brakes
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wczoraj jechałem, jechałem na czerwonym świetle, a potem nacisnąłem hamulce
tailgate is when you drive too close to someone
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tylna klapa jest, gdy jedziesz za blisko kogoś
that man tailgated me
i was tailgated by that man
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ten człowiek mnie kusił
running a red light
cutting someone off and tailgaiting someone
you may br pulled over by the police
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czerwone światło
pull out of
means you are going out of your park way
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wyciągnąć z
accelerate- to go fast/ faster
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przyspiesz - aby iść szybko /
make a U turn
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wykonaj manewr zawracania
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