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I kto to mówi
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Look who's talking
To ja lecę
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I'm off
Alright guys i'm off now, see you tomorrow.
Równo, łeb w łeb
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neck and neck
Przejść do rzeczy, sedna
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Get to the point.
Na czarną godzinę
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For a rainy day
Mieć łeb na karku
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Be on the ball.
Our new manager is on the ball. I really enjoy working with him.
pójść na skróty
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Cut corners
You cut corners quite often
Serio, naprawdę
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For real?
czas mija bardzo szybko, leci
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time flies
Wszystko w swoim czasie
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All in good time
Mowę Ci odjęło?
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Cat got your tongue?
Pilnuj swojego nosa.
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Mind you own business
Bez urazy, ale mam ważniejsze sprawy na głowie
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No offense, but I have bigger fish to fry

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