3 - take/put

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Domanda Risposta
zdejmowac (ubranie, makijaz)
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take sth off
założyć (ubranie, makijaz)
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put on
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take sth out
wkladac (przedmiot gdzies)
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put sth in
sciagac/zdejmowac cos
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take sth down
wieszac/rozkladac cos
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put sth up
rozbierac na czesci
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take sth apart
montowac cos
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put sth together
Musze ubrac cieple skarpety
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I must put warm socks on
Zdejmij buty prosze
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Take off your shoes, please
Prosze wyjac wszystko z kieszeni
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Please take everything out of your pockets
Jak dlugo trwa nakladanie makijazu?
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How long does it take to put make up on?
Gdzie wlozylas orzechy?
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Where did you put the nuts in?
Wloz pieniadz do szuflady
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Put the money into the drawer
Musimy zlozyc namiot przed obiadem
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We must take down the tent before the dinner
Sciagac kurtyny
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Take down the curtain
Kiedy zawiesimy obraz?
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When are we going to put up the picture?
Rozebralem telefon na czesci zeby go naprawic
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I took my phone apart in order to fix it
Nie wiem jak to zlozyc ponownie
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I don't know how to put it back together
Powiesic obrazek
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Put up the picture
Ubrac choinke
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Put up the Christmas tree
Skladac meble
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Put the furniture together
Załóż płaszcz, jest dosc zimno
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Put your coat on, it's quite cold

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