3.3 IT'S A GREAT READ Reading genres

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We’ve done all we can, I reckon. reckon he’ll win. Do you reckon you’ll be able to come? Moving house is reckoned to be one of the most stressful things you can do.
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to think that something is true
I’m gonna try it.
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a way of saying ‘going to’. Some people consider this use to be incorrect
I had a really weird dream.
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unusual and strange
politicians who preach fairness and equality
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To try to persuade other people to do, support, or believe something, often in an annoying way
the warmth of her smile
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the heat that something produces
stick with
He stuck with his job at the zoo.
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to continue doing something or supporting someone
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a short part of a film or television programme, shown to advertise it
sci-fi novels
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science fiction

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