30th Jan

 0    9 schede    suyashaag92
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he wants to learn a lot
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chce się dużo nauczyć
much obliged
much obliged for your assistance
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bardzo zobowiązany
thank you very much doc im very much obliged to you
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dziękuję bardzo doc im bardzo zobowiązany do ciebie
you’re most welcome
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nie ma za co
we appreciate your business (colleague, client)
we appreciate your custom(customer)
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doceniamy twój biznes (kolega, klient
thank you for sending the samples so promptly we appreciate your business
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Dziękujemy za przesłanie próbek, dlatego doceniamy Twój biznes
I’m happy to help
thank you for helping me carry the coffe’s to the office
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Chętnie pomogę
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