31 Travel and accommodation

 0    26 schede    alicjachmiel
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scheduled flight
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normal flight
charter flight
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special flight for a group of people
value for money
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expensive for good value
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you can't get your money back
cancellation fee
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you need to pay for cancellation
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you may stay somewhere overnight before continuing your trip
all-in packages
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include accomodation
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bus to and from your hotel
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sea travel
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go on a cruise
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holidays on the sea
the holiday of the lifetime
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you will always remember
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a bad in a shared cabin
upper deck
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the higher part of the ship
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get away from it all
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escape your daily life
getting around
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travelling to different places
unlimited mileage
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you can travel as many miles as you want for the same price
go as you please
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go where and when you want
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where you do your own cooking
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small cottage
guest house
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private homes offering high standard accommodation
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beautiful old buildings similar to pubs
bed and breakfast
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bed and breakfast B and B
half board
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breakfast and one meal
full board
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all meals

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