
 0    17 schede    karolinawilhelm
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The last day before weekend
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Ostatni dzień przed weekendem
He asks him if she is a robber.
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Pyta go, czy jest rabusiem.
The shirt's in sale.
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Koszula jest w sprzedaży.
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made in Italy
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wyprodukowane we Włoszech
It suits you.
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Pasuje Ci.
It fits you.
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To pasuje do ciebie.
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half price
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za pół ceny
half an hour
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pół godziny
Would you like to try it on?
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Czy chce Pan przymierzyć?
I'll take it.
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Wezmę go.
S small
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S małe
M medium
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Średnie M
L large
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L duża
XL (extra large)
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XL (bardzo duże)
It will go very nicely with the jacket.
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Świetnie komponuje się z kurtką.

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