32 prepositional phrases

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na oko
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at a guess
she is 12 at a guess
zrelaksowany, odprężony, spokojny
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at ease
she looks at ease
na początku
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at first
I didn't like him at first but then we became best friends
for a long time / if something happens at length it happens after a long period Of time
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at lenght
George went on at Great length about his various illnesses. / At length, the outer reaches allowed her to go home
only a short time before something happens (w krótkim czasie)
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at short notice
I can't cancel my plans at such short notice
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at times
you can be really annoying at times, you know
Z wyboru
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by choice
I moved out of my parents house by my own choice
za dnia, w ciągu dnia/nocy
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by day/night
drogą mailową
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by email
zgodnie z prawem (adv) / właściwie
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by rights
koleją / statkiem, drogą morską / drogą powietrzną, samolotem
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by rail/sea/air
z powodu
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for a reason
na przykład
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for instance
day so many things for instance office supplies
using a short form
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for short
her name's Alexandra, or Alex for short
na pewno
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for sure
na zakończenie, podsumowując
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in conclusion
w ogóle, ogólnie mówiąc
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in general
Maybe you just don't like people in general. / I'm not exactly sure how I feel about you in general
w szczególności, zwłaszcza
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in particular
he wanted to see the pyramids in particular
happening or being done now
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in progress
repair work is in progress on the southbound lane of the motorway and will continue until June
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in theory
na żądanie
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on demand
wypożyczony, udostępniony (tymczasowo)
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on loan
na ekranie
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on screen
po namyśle, po zastanowieniu
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on second thoughts
w drodze
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on one's way
jestem w drodze
i'm on my way
zawstydzony czymś, wstydzić się czegoś
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ashamed of
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aware of
zdolny do, będący w stanie coś zrobić
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capable of
pełen szacunku, poważania
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respectful of
typowe dla czegoś, charakterystyczne dla czegoś
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typical of something
według czegoś, zgodnie z czymś
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according to
you have to take a right turn, according to this map
przymocować przyczepiać załączać do
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attached to
przeznsczony do
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dedicated to
Ograniczony do
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limited to
podobny do
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similar to
być w czymś dobrym, wiedzieć jak coś zrobić
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clever at doing something
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brilliant at
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horrified at
doświadczony w czymś
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be experienced in
być zainteresowanym czymś
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be interested in
być zaangażowanym w coś, być zamieszany w coś, brać udział w czymś
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be involved in
odnosić sukcesy w czymś
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be successful in
oddany, zaangażowany
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dedicated to
na szali
inizia ad imparare
at stake

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