
 0    23 schede    swiderskas
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Domanda Risposta
Meet a partner on the Internet
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spotkać partnera w internecine
On the Internet
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w internecine
Good match
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dobre połaczenie
Call me Sam
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nazywaj mnie Sa
Look different from
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wyglądac inaczej niż
Drink alcohol
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pić alkohol
At lunchtime
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w porze lunczu
What about you
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a ty?
How interesting
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jakie interesujące
The same kind of
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ten sam rodzaj
Who is your favourite
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kto jest twoim ulubionym
What is your favourite
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co jest twoim ulubionym
Have a meeting
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mieć spotkanie
Far from the hotel
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daleko od hotelu
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Double espresso
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podwójne espresso
Anything else
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coś jescze?
Can I help you?
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czy mogę Ci pomóc?
To take away
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na wynos
How much is that?
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ile to kosztuje? Ile wyniosło?
And your change
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I twoja reszta
What time is the meeting
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o ktorej godzinie jest spotkanie?

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