500 most important French verbs 1 - 25

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to ignore
Ignore the noise.
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ne pas faire attention
attention: "ignorer" means "to be unaware of something"
Ne fais pas attention au bruit.
to shake
She shook her head.
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Elle a secoué sa tête.
to burn
I burned my finger while boiling eggs.
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J'ai brûlé mon doigt en bouillant des œufs.
to make
I made you a sandwich.
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Je t'ai fait un sandwich.
to freeze
Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
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L'eau gèle à 0 degrés Celsius.
to share
I share a room with my brother.
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Je partage une chambre avec mon frère.
to escape
It's impossible to escape from prison.
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Il est impossible de s'énfuir de prison.
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"French Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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