500 most important German verbs 401 - 425

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to charge
also: to load
I need to charge my phone.
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Ich muss mein Handy aufladen.
to wash up
also: wash the dishes/ do the dishes
Wash up after the dinner.
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auch: spülen
Wasch nach dem Mittagessen ab.
to inspire
Your speech has really inspired me.
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Deine Rede hat mich wirklich inspiriert.
to flow
The Vistula flows through Warsaw.
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Die Weichsel fließt durch Warschau.
to operate
His leg must be operated.
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Sein Bein muss operiert werden.
to prevail
also: to rule
The colour blue prevails in fashion this season.
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Blau herrscht in der Mode dieser Saison.
to surf the internet
Don't you surf too much the internet?
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im Internet surfen
Surfst du im Internet nicht zu viel?
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