500 most important Italian verbs 176 - 200

3  1    25 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
to guess
Guess who called me!
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Indovinate chi mi ha chiamato!
to invite
I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.
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Vorrei invitarti alla mia festa di compleanno.
to mean
What does this symbol mean?
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Che cosa significa questo simbolo?
to exist
There exists another possibility.
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anche: esserci
Esiste ancora un'altra possibilità.
to travel
My uncle travels a lot.
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to travel in inglese
Mio zio viaggia molto.
to consider
I'm asking you to consider my candidature.
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Le chiedo di considerare la mia candidatura.
to charge
I have to charge my cellphone.
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anche: ricaricare
Devo caricare il mio cellulare.
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"Italian Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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500 most important Italian verbs

Here you will find a list of the translation of the 500 most important Italian verbs, whether they are reflexive, modal, regular, irregular, imperative, common, of motion, basic or conjugate in past tense, future tense or present tense. Keep in mind useful Italian verbs and the most important Italian verbs to know like vedere, visitare, vendere, sapere, dormire, cercare, mancare, finire, venire, stare, essere and avere. Try to learn a new language with Vocapp and different types of verbs, you will find as well some examples of the basic verbs in English to Italian in useful phrases. They are five hundreds in total and you will notice how it will be easy to understand Italian verbs and keep them all in mind!

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