500 most important Spanish verbs 276 - 300

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Domanda Risposta
to separate
Siblings should never be separated.
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Los hermanos nunca deberían estar separados.
to avoid
Why is everybody avoiding me?
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¿Por qué me está evitando todo el mundo?
to wash
I wash my convertible every Sunday.
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Lavo mi descapotable todos los domingos.
to negotiate
You should have negotiated a higher salary.
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Deberías haber negociado un salario más alto.
to hunt
Is it legal to hunt in Spain?
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¿Es legal cazar en España?
to give up
Follow your dreams and never give up.
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Sigue tus sueños y nunca te rindas.
to depend
Everything depends on you.
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Todo depende de ti.
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