5th year. unit 3: money and shopping

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Domanda English Risposta English
coins and bills
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when you have bills but you need coins, you need...
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Money you have to spend...
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pocket money
Plastic object you can use to pay
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credit card
to use your money to buy something
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To keep your money for future use
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save money/ save up
To give someone money for an object or a job they have done
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the amount of money you have to pay for something
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a printed piece of paper you write and sign to pay for something
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to spend money or time in a way that is not useful
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to have a particular price
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If you have enough money to pay for an object/service, you can...
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afford to buy it
The money you save is your
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If you want to sell your house, your house is...
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on sale
to give someone money or an object that they have to return in the future.
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to get money playing
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to get money working
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If someone lent you money ands you haven't paid back, you... him the
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