6. This is Marilyn

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miło mi to słyszeć
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Nice to hear it.
jesteś piękna i zdolna
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you are beautiful and capable
jesteś zdolna i sławna
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you are talented and famous
Cieszę się że tak myślisz
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I'm glad that you think so
Jesteś piękna zdolna i sławna
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You are beautiful, talented and famous
owszem, to prawda
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indeed, it's true
i bardzo skromna
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and very humble
jestem sławna I skromna
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I am famous and modest
jestem skromna jak wszystkie aktorki
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I'm modest like all actresses
ona ma męża i psa
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she has a husband and a dog
jej pies jest mały
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her dog is small
on jest mały i wesoły
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he is small and cheerful/joyful
czy to prawda?
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is it true?

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