6.12.22 75%

 0    11 schede    blochandrzej87
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Domanda Risposta
jeden z najsłynniejszych prezentów
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one of the most famous presents
6tego grudnia
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on the 6th of december
to zależy
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it depends
nie pójde
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I won't go
chce iść
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I want to go
telefon skonwertował wiadomość na odpowiedni format
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the phone has converted the message to the correct format
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to switch on
gotowy do działania
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ready for action
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jeśli pieniądze będą dobre to to zrobie
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if the money is good I will do it
jeśli pieniądze byłyby dobre to zrobiłbym to
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if the money was good i would do it

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