7. At work: careers

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Domanda Risposta
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telemarketing (marketing goods and services by phone)
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telemarketing (marketing towarów i usług przez telefon)
cold calling (phone calls/visits by sb trying to sell sth)
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phoning people who have not requested a call in order to try to sell them something
hard sell
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attempt to sell something by being very forceful orpersuasive
part with their money
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spend money
TV shopping channel
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Kanał zakupów telewizyjnych, a TV channel devoted to selling products
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towar, products that are bought and sold
hasn’t looked back
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nie obejrzał się, has moved forward successfull
purchasing power of (income, salary)
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siła nabywcza (dochód, pensja)
shop around for
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rozejrzeć się za
keeps it in stock
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trzyma go w magazynie
trade something up
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wymienić coś na lepsze (np. samochód)
brand loyalty
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lojalność wobec marki
loss leader
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Supermarkets sometimes sell an item for less than it costs them in order to attract a lot of peopleinto the shop, where they will also buy more profitable items – the item being sold at a low price iscalled a
niche marke
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Nisza marke
come/go under the hammer
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przyjść / pójść pod młotek (na aukcji)
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oferta przetargowa
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dobrze płatna / lukratywna
red tape, bureaucracy
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biurokracja, biurokracja
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proposition, offer
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propozycja, oferta
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Przejęcie (firmy)
reach a compromise
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osiągnąć kompromis
hammer out a deal
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wypracować ofertę
swallowed up
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taken over by a larger company
capital assets
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aktywa trwałe, buildings and machines owned by a company
invest in
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inwestowania w
holiday property letting agency
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a business organising the rental of holiday housesand flats, agencja wynajmu nieruchomości wakacyjnych

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