76 - 100

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A Kylie decidiu livrar-se da roupa velha.
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get rid of
Kylie decided to get rid of the old clothing.
Devolve-me as chaves até amanhã.
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give back
Give me the keys back by tomorrow.
Eles vão voltar à Grécia pelo verão.
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go back
They're going back to Greece for the summer.
Ele prometeu vingar-se por lhe ter arruinado as férias.
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get back at
He promised to get back on me for ruining his holiday.
Eu tive de continuar com o meu trabalho para não perder tempo.
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get on with
I had to get on with my work so I don't lose time.
Entra no quarto já!
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get in
Get in the room right now!
Eu ligo o telemóvel depois de sair do avião.
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get off
I will turn the phone on after getting off the plane.
+18 schede
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"TOEFL - Verbos frasais"
(Un totale di 225 schede)

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1 - 2526 - 5051 - 75101 - 125126 - 150151 - 175175 - 200201 - 225

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