0    12 schede    adamadam53
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to be about to
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być gotowym do zrobienia czegos
I was just about to leave when you telephoned
to turn around
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odwrócić się
to take turns
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zmieniac sie po kolei. w robieniu czegos
to pay attention to
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uważać / skupiac na kims uwage
to brush up on
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odswiezyc np wiedze
over and over again
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w kółko
to wear out
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zdzierać, znosić
to throw away
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rzucić / wyrzucić
to fall in love
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zakochać się
to go out/ step out
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przestac dzialac / przestac sie palic/ opuscic dom albo prace
out of the question
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to have to do with
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mieć do czynienia z

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