8-how much?

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how much does it cost?
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mennyibe kerül?
excuse me how much is it
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elnézést mennyibe kerül
excuse me how much is this
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elnézést mennyibe kerül ez
excuse me how much is this hat?
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elnézést mennyibe kerül ez a kalap?
excuse me how much is this shirt
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elnézést mennyibe kerül ez az ing?
1500 Forints
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ezerőtsáz forint
how much?
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ez mennyi?
How much is a coffee?
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Mennyi egy kávé?
you can only pay in forints
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csak forintal lehet fizetni
this new shirt you bought me makes me itchy
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viszketek az új ingtől amit vettél nekem
Put Your Dirty Shirts in the Washing Machine
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Tedd A piszkos Ingeidet a mosógépbe kérek
The man irons the shirt
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A ferfi az inget vasalja
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this is not good
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ez nem lesz jó
this cookie is good
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ez a sütemény jó

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