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It's of <supreme> quality.
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<Pay for> all of us and we will give you the money back later.
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zapłać za
Foreign investments in our country grow in <arithmetic progression>.
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postępie arytmetycznym
Being a sales representative, Bianca gets a 15% <commission> on every coffee vending machine she sells.
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Instalments are <payable> monthly or weekly.
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What are the <potential> benefits of this financial operation?
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The most <just> solution to the problem would be to give the two children half the money each.
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He <deals in> flowers.
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Company profits have reached a <satisfactory> level this month.
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Can you <pop> into the bank on the way home?
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Her father <established> this business forty years ago.
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A long period of crisis was followed by unbelievable <prosperity>.
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He is financially <dependent> on his wife until he finds a new job.
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Our most important clients enjoy a <privileged> status.
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The <little> money he took on holiday was spent within three hours of him arriving.
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We must immediately <get the project under way>. We are already ten days late.
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rozpocząć ten projekt
Did he <charge> you for it?
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wziął za to pieniądze
A one million euro <allocation> for the flood victims is not enough.
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John runs his own <private> company.
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Her knowledge of economy is <profound>.
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I forecast another <rise> in food prices.
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If we <decline> this offer, a better one may never come.
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It will be worth it <in the long run>.
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na dłuższą metę
<Incidentally>, did I tell you I'm coming to London on a business trip next week?
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przy okazji (nawiasem)
It's <plain> that they will reject our offer.
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Pensioners are entitled to all kinds of <discounts>.
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Poland <trades in> grain and copper.
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Shell is looking for oil under the Northern <Sea bed>.
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dnie Morza
We get our <paycheques> every Friday.
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czeki z wypłatą
Research shows that over 30% of single mothers faced a sudden <drop> in income over the last 5 years.
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Everybody <contributed> to the building of the community centre.
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przyczynili się
It is hard to <contend with> poverty.
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radzić sobie z
What <astonishes> me most is Mark's complete indifference to money.
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He is <persevering> with his attempts to obtain additional funding for the disabled.
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nie ustaje
I still haven't paid him for that ticket, I <owe> him $10.
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jestem winny
Do we get a <premium> for buying the whole line of products?
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The company has lost its <liquidity> and is now threatened by bankruptcy.
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płynność finansową
This company <ships> goods from Europe to Australia and back.
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To manage the company better you need a deeper <insight> into its problems.
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Do you intend to <alter> your last will?
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