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902. Cloud
Słońce jest za chmurami.
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The sun is behind the clouds.
więc/ taki
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903. So
Stracił pracę więc jest teraz na zasiłku.
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He got fired so he's on the dole now.
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904. Push
Te drzwi otwierają się do środka więc nie musisz ich pchać.
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This door opens to the outside so you don’t need to push it.
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905. Either
Ja również nie jestem z tego powodu zły.
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I'm not mad about this either.
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906. Area
Ten obszar jest niebezpieczną częścią miasta.
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This is a dangerous area of the city.
okaz kolekcjonerski
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907. Collectible
To zabytkowy i kolekcjonerski zegar.
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It is a historical and collectible clock.
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908. Start
Zajęcia na Uniwersytecie zaczynają się w październiku.
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University starts in October.
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909. Girl
W mojej klasie jest ta dziewczyna, która mi się podoba.
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There's this girl in my class that I fancy.
zastanawiać się
Zastanawiam się czy dam radę to zrobić. Zastanawiam się czy dobrze to robię.
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912. Wonder
I’m wonderin if I can do this. I wonder if I’m doing right.
Zastanawiam się czy dobrze robię
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I wonder if I'm doing the right thing
Zastanawiam się kiedy wróci do domu
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I wonder when he'll come home
Zastanawiam się czy dać mu pieniądze
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I wonder if I should give him money
Zastanawiam się czy ta pogoda zmieni się do wieczora.
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I wonder whether thisl weather will change until evening.
myć, prać
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913. Wash
Zmywam naczynia co dwa dni.
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I wash the dishes every two days.
Chciałbym wyprać ubranie
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I'd like to wash my clothes
Trzeba umyć podłogi
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Need to wash the floors
Trzeba umyć talerze
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You have to wash the plates
wiedział, znany
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915. Known
Ona jest bardzo znaną polityczką.
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She's a well known politician.
Nie wiem jak to powiedzieć
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I do not know how to say it
Od zawsze wiedziałam, że on cię opuści.
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I've known for ages that he will leave you.
Wiedziałem że dziś przyjedzie
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I knew he would come today
Skąd mogłem wiedzieć
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How could I know
Nie wiem ile tego uciąć
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I don't know how much to cut
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917. Pound
Straciłam 30 kilo na tej diecie w krótkim czasie.
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I lost 30 kilos on this diet in a short time.
nagranie, nagrać/rekord
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920. Record
Nagramy płytę.
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We will record a demo.
On pobił rekord świata we wspinaczce.
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He broke the world record in climbing.
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921. Do
Co robisz teraz?
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What are you doing now?
Czy masz biologię w szkole?
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Do you do Biology at school?
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922. Possible
Jest możliwe, że będziemy tam na czas.
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It's possible to be there on time.
bawić się
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923. Play
Dzieci bawią się ze sobą nawzajem.
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Children play with each other.
plon, roślina uprawna
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924. Crop
Główną rośliną uprawną w Polsce jest pszenica.
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The main crop in Poland is wheat.
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925. Name
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your name?
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926. His
His wife is a kind woman. His wife is a nice woman.
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His wife is a kind woman. Jego żona to miła kobieta.
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927. Teacher
Jestem nauczycielką matematyki.
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I'm a maths teacher.
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928. Also
On jest nie tylko najniższym, ale też najbystrzejszym chłopcem w naszej klasie.
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He is not only the smallest, but also the smartest boy in our class.
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929. When
Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
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930. Him
Daj mu znać o naszej umowie.
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Let him know about our deal.
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931. Problem
Mam problemy z moim synem.
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I'm having problems with my son.
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32. Distance
Mieszkamy w dużej odległości od siebie.
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We live a long distance apart.
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933. Cry
Moje dziecko zawsze płacze.
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My baby always cries.
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934. Brown
Mój kot ma brązowe oczy.
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My cat has brown eyes.
kształt, kształtować
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935. Shape
Na moim łóżku jest poduszka w kształcie pączka.
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There's a pillow in the shape of a donut on my bed.
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936. Really
Naprawdę lubię dzierganie.
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I really like knitting.
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937. Exceed
Przekraczanie prędkości nie jest mądre.
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Exceeding the speed limit isn’t clever.
938. Enough - enough/enough
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938. Enough – wystarczająco/dość
Nie mieliśmy wystarczająco pieniędzy.
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We didn't have enough money.
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939. Hat
Nie powinieneś nosić kapelusza w pomieszczeniach.
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You shouldn’t wear a hat inside.
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940. Key
Nigdy nie pamiętam, gdzie zostawiłam klucz do domu.
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I never remember where I put my house key.
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941. Was
On był policjantem zanim poszedł na emeryturę.
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He was a policemen before he retired.
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942. Tail
Psy machają ogonami.
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Dogs wag their tails.
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943. Energy
On zawsze ma dużo energii.
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He has always a lot of energy.
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944. Sail
On żegluje na ląd po zakupy.
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He sails to the mainland for shopping.
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945. No
On na nic nie mówi „nie”.
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He doesn't say “no” to anything.
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946. Valley
On pracuje w Krzemowej Dolinie.
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He works in Silicon Valley.
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947. Week
On trenuje trzy razy w tygodniu.
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He has training three times a week.
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948. Early
On wstaje wcześnie codziennie.
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He wakes up early every day.
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949. Carry
On zawsze nosi wszędzie laptopa.
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He always carries his laptop everywhere.
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950. Let
Pozwólcie, że się przedstawię.
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Let me introduce myself.
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951. East
Ona mieszka na wschodzie Polski.
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She lives in the east of Poland.
osadzić, uspokoić
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952. Settle
Oni osadzają imigrantów na wsiach.
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They settle immigrants in villages.
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953. Column
Po bokach wejścia są cztery kolumny.
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There are four columns at the sides of the entrance.
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954. Went
Poszedł do domu.
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He went home.
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955. Quickly
Poszedł szybko do szkoły.
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He went to school quickly.
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956. Detail
Przegadamy szczegóły później.
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We'll talk over the details later.
ekwipunek, sprzęt
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957. Equipment
Przywieźliśmy ze sobą cały sprzęt do wspinaczki.
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We brought with us all the climbing equipment.
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958. Ball
Rzucił piłką do ogrodu sąsiadów.
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He threw the ball to the neighbour’s garden.
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959. Sun
Słońce często świeci na Saharze.
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The sun often shines on the Sahara desert.
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960. Sight
Straciła wzrok po wypadku.
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She lost her sight after the accident.
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961. Glass
Ten wazon jest ze szkła.
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This vase is made of glass.
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962. Paragraph
Tę informację znajdziecie w ostatnim akapicie tekstu.
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This information can be found in the last paragraph of the text.
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963. Example
This is an example of a greek poem. This is an example of a Greek poem.
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This is an example of a greek poem. To jest przykład greckiego wiersza.
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964. Tone
Ton jego głosu jest inny kiedy jest zły.
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The tone of his voice is different when he's angry.
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965. Born
Urodziłem się w USA.
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I was born in USA.
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966. Corner
W narożniku pokoju jest roślina.
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There's a plant in the corner of the room.
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967. System
Windows to najpopularniejszy system operacyjny.
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Windows is the most popular operating system.
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968. Explain
Wyjaśnij mi dlaczego to zrobiłeś.
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Explain to me why you did this.
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969. Weather
The weather is beautiful today... The weather is beautiful today.
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The weather is beautiful today... Pogoda jest piękna dzisiaj.
konieczny, potrzebny
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970. Necessary
Knowledge of other languages is necessary if you want to go abroad. – Knowledge of other languages is necessary if you want to go abroad.
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Knowledge of other languages is necessary if you want to go abroad. – Znajomość innych języków jest konieczna jeśli chcesz wyjechać za granicę.
znajdujący się
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971. Located
My house is located in a center part of the city. My house is located in the central part of the city.
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My house is located in a centre part of the city. Mój dom jest położony w centralnej części miasta.
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972. Matter
He's an expert on historical matters. He is an expert on history.
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He's an expert on historical matters. On jest ekspertem w sprawach historii.
It doesn't matter to me who you are. I don't care who you are.
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It doesn't matter to me who you are. Nie obchodzi mnie, kim jesteś.
973. Knew - he knew
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973. Knew – wiedział
On wiedział, że chce być lekarzem całe swoje życie.
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He knew that he wanted to be a doctor all his life.
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974. Heavy
This bag is too heavy for me to carry. This bag is too heavy for me to carry.
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This bag is too heavy for me to carry. Ta torba jest dla mnie zbyt ciężka żeby ją nieść.
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975. It
That can't be it! This can't be it!
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That can’t be it! To nie może być to!
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976. Free
I am setting you free. "I make you free."
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I am setting you free. – Sprawiam, że jesteś wolny
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977. Surprise
Chcemy zrobić mu niespodziankę i kupić mu bilet do Paryża.
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We want to give him a surprise and buy him a ticket to Paris.
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978. Old
I see an old man playing the piano at the train station every day. Every day I see an old man playing the piano at the train station.
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I see an old man playing the piano at the train station every day. Codziennie widzę starego mężczyznę grającego na pianinie na dworcu kolejowym.
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979. Tyranny
Demokracja może zamienić się czasem w tyranię.
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Democracy can sometimes turn into the tyranny.
rym, rymowanka
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980. Rhyme
Dzieci w przedszkolu uczą się recytować wierszyki.
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Children at kindergarten learn to recite rhymes.
oni, one
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981. They
They have been my neighbors for a few years. They have been my neighbors for several years.
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They have been my neighbours for a few years. Oni są moimi sąsiadami od paru lat.
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982. How
How do you feel? How do you feel?
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How do you feel? Jak się czujesz?
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983. Town
On mieszka w starym mieście.
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He lives in an old town.
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984. Because
I'm angry because somebody's hit my car. I'm angry because someone hit my car.
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I'm angry because somebody's hit my car. Jestem zły bo ktoś uderzył w mój samochód.
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985. Boy
Joe nie jest najwyższym chłopcem w naszej klasie.
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Joe is not the tallest boy in our class.
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986. Gauge
Three surveys were used to gauge customers' opinion. Three surveys were conducted to explore customer feedback.
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Three surveys were used to gauge customers' opinion. Trzy ankiety zostały przeprowadzone, aby zbadać opinię klientów.
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987. Main
Let's order the main course. - Let's order the main course.
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Let's order the main course. – Zamówmy główne danie.
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988. Various
I had various interests. I had a variety of interests.
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I had various interests. Miałem różnorodne zainteresowania.
malusieńki, mikroskopijny
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989. Minuscule
Minuscule DNA samples can help finding the couple. Microscopic DNA samples can help find the culprit.
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Minuscule DNA samples can help finding the perpetrator. Mikroskopijne próbki DNA mogą pomóc znaleść sprawcy.
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kwadrat, kwadratowy
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990. Square
My flat is thirty square meters large. My flat is 30 square meters.
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My flat is thirty square meters large. Moje mieszkanie ma 30 metrów kwadratowych powierzchni.
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991. Dress
She usually wears this dress because it's a present from her mother. She usually wears this dress because it's a gift from her mother.
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She usually wears this dress because it's a present from her mother. Ona zazwyczaj nosi tę sukienkę, bo to jest prezent od jej matki.
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992. Cover
There's an old sword on the cover of this book. There is an old sword on the cover of this book.
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There's an old sword on the cover of this book. Na okładce tej książki jest stary miecz.
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993. Opposite
Naprzeciwko mojego domu jest piekarnia.
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There's a bakery opposite my house.
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994. Sure
Nie jestem pewien czy to dobry sposób robienia tego.
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I'm not sure if this is a good way of doing it.
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995. Money
We didn't have enough money to pay up the university debt. We didn't have enough money to pay off our student loans.
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We didn't have enough money to pay up the university debt. Nie mieliśmy dosyć pieniędzy, aby spłacić kredyt studencki.
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996. Talk
You musn't talk in the library. You are not allowed to talk in the library.
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You musn't talk in the library. Nie wolno rozmawiać w bibliotece.
marsz, maszerować
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997. March
Nic nie może cię zatrzymać przed
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Nothing can stop you from marching towards a better future.
marching towards a better future.
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maszerowaniem ku lepszej przyszłości.
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998. Build
On chce zbudować dom dla swojej rodziny.
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He wants to build a house for his family.
Ona jest wątłej budowy.
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She's of weak build.
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999. Through
He goes through life without paying attention to other people's feelings. He goes through life not paying attention to other people's feelings.
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He goes through life without paying attention to other people's feelings. On idzie przez życie nie zwracając uwagi na uczucia innych ludzi.
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1000. Modern
On nienawidzi współczesnej muzyki.
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He hates modern music.
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1001. Might
He might be at the gym now. He might be at the gym right now.
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He might be at the gym now. On może być teraz na siłowni.
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1002. Finish
On nigdy nie kończy prac, które musi zrobić.
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He never finishes the jobs he has to do.
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1003. Design
He designs modern apartments. He designs modern apartments.
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He designs modern apartments. On projektuje nowoczesne apartamenty.
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1004. Cat
On trzyma dwa koty w mieszkaniu.
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He keeps two cats in his flat.
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1005. Rise
He rises early every weekend. He gets up early every weekend.
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He rises early every weekend. On wstaje wcześnie co weekend.
podążać za
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1006. Follow
On zawsze podąża za swoją starszą siostrą
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He always follows his older sister.
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914. Underline
Możesz podkreślić to co jest najważniejsze.
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You can underline what is the most important.
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910. Moon
Wilki wyją do księżyca.
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Wolves howl at the moon.
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911. Product
Wydajemy dużo pieniędzy na kampanię reklamową naszego nowego produktu.
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We're spending a lot of money on the advertising campaign for our new product.
uczyć się
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916. Learn
On uczy się w szkole angielskiego i rosyjskiego.
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He is learning English and Russian at school.
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918. Gun
On ma pistolet w kieszeni!
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He has a gun in his pocket!
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919. President
Joe Biden jest prezydentem USA.
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Joe Biden is the president of the US.

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