9th April

 0    14 schede    suyashaag92
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im walking down the hill
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Idę w dół wzgórza
im walking down the stairs
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Schodzę po schodach
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down as feathers
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w dół jak pióra
this blanket is downy
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ten koc jest puchaty
the down escalators
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schody ruchome
a down payment
a deposit
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to down a drink
drink quickly
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wypić drinka
criticise someone
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to track down
to look for somebody and you find them
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calm down
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uspokoić się
down to earth
polite, sensible
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na ziemię
down and out
no money, no shelter, destitute
they’ve not had much luck in their lives
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w dół i na zewnątrz

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