A l'école - At school

 0    19 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
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What does it mean?
J'ai besoin d'aide pour cette tâche.
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I need help with this task.
Est-ce qu'on a un contrôle?
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Do we have a test?
also: exercise book
Comment se prononce ce mot?
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How is this word pronounced?
On doit lire 2 textes pour la semaine prochaine.
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We have to read two texts for the next week.
Je ne comprends pas la leçon.
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I don't understand the lesson.
also: I don't get it.
Comment s'est passée votre journée, professeur?
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How was your day, professor?
+12 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Guide conversation anglais"
(Un totale di 514 schede)

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