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Domanda Risposta
a thing, an object
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rzecz, przedmiot
a feeling
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a language or a nationality
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język lub narodowość
a language or a tongue
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język (lub język
a country or a continent
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kraj lub kontynent
days of the week
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dni tygodnia
every second day, every other day
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co drugi dzień
singular / plural
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w liczbie pojedynczej / mnogiej
part of a building
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część budynku
(fake) leather
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(sztuczna, udawana) skóra
positive or negative
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pozytywny lub negatywny
It has ... and it doesn't have...
They have... and they don't have...
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Ma ... i nie ma...
Mają... i nie mają...
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different / difference
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inna / różnica
and vice-versa
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i odwrotnie

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