acrid controversy

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The father acknowledged his paternity of the child, based on a strong physical resemblance.
uznać kogoś błąd / porażkę
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to acknowledge one's error/defeat
uznać odpowiedzialność za coś
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to acknowledge responsibility for sth
brać [perf wziąć] na siebie odpowiedzialność za coś braćna siebie odpowiedzialność za coś
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to acknowledge responsibility for sth
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refuse to acknowledge
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Salute each person with a cheerful air, With courtesy to thy superiors bow, Authority, and hoary age revere, And due submission to thy betters show.
uznany autorytet
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acknowledged authority
efekty akustyczne
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acoustical effects
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a bad time A time that is inconvenient or inopportune. A situation that is particularly painful, difficult, or unenjoyable.
wyrosnąć z sytuacji
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weary of
być mega wycieńczonym
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be dead on your feet
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nabyta nieśmiałość
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acquired timidity
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The room filled with the acrid smell of tobacco. The plant has an unpleasant odour and an acrid taste.
wzbudzać kontrowersje
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to stir controversy
spur wokół czegoś lub o czymś
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controversy over or about sth
obliczony na wzbudzenie kontrowersji
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calculated to stir up controversy
gryząca kontrowersja
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acrid controversy

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